Presbyterians Week Headlines
[1] Erskine College Court-Mandated Board of Trustees Names New President
[2] PCA Presbytery Overtures Call Denomination Back to Biblical and Confessional Roots
[3] Bible Presbyterian Church Issues 4 June 2010 Call to Prayer in Advance of 74th General Synod 5-10 August 2010
[4] Malawi Presbyterians Endorse Fourteen-Year Jail Sentence for Homosexual Couple
[5] Church of Scotland New College School of Divinity at Edinburgh University has Four 2010 Applicants, Lowest in 167 Year School History
[6] New Church of Scotland Moderator Urges Kirk to Continue Reforming
[7] Calvin Synod Elects New Bishop
[8] Second Christian Reformed Church of Kalamazoo, Michigan Seeks Classis Transfer over Women’s Ordination
[1] Erskine College Court-Mandated Board of Trustees Names New President
A 22 May 2010 article titled “SC Church-Affiliated College Names New President” on the WSAV-TV Channel 3 website reports that the Erskine College Board of Trustees, as constituted before the March 2010 decisions of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP) General Synod and by mandate of a South Carolina judge’s restraining order, on 21 May 2010 unanimously voted David A. Norman the new college president.
A 24 May 2010 article by Scott J. Bryan titled “Christie Named Interim Academic Dean at Erskine” in The Index-Journal reports that Erskine College English professor Brad Christie has been named the new interim academic dean in place of W. Gid Alston who will return to his former responsibilities in the college’s athletics programs. Alston has been an outspoken critic of the March 2010 decisions of the ARP General Synod.
A 21 May 2010 article by the Rev. Dr. Charles W. Wilson in the ARPTalk Blog titled “The Scandal of Erskine—A 21-Gun Salute” describes Erskine College as “…a public scandal in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in general and particularly to the ARP Church….,” and cites twenty-one past, current, and ongoing scandals that have led to the current crises at Erskine College.
+ WSAV-TV Channel 3, 1430 East Victory Drive, Savannah, Georgia 31404, 912-651-0300, 912-651-0304, Contact Page
+ The Index-Journal, 610 Phoenix Street, Greenwood, South Carolina 29646, 864-223-1411,
+ ARPTalk Blog,
+ Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1 Cleveland Street Suite 110, Greenville, South Carolina, 29601, 864-232-8297, Fax: 864-271-3729
+ Erskine College, Post Office Box 668, Due West, South Carolina, 800-770-6936,
[2] PCA Presbytery Overtures Call Denomination Back to Biblical and Confessional Roots
Two 24 May 2010 articles in The Aquila Report explain two Northwest Georgia Presbytery overtures to the upcoming Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) 2010 General Assembly (GA) calling the PCA back to biblical and confessional roots pertaining to other presbytery overtures to the PCA GA regarding the ordination of women to the office of deacon and the proposed 2010 PCA strategic plan.
“An Overture Regarding the Role of Men and Women in Office in The Church” reports on an overture of the Northwest Georgia Presbytery calling upon PCA church courts to, “…until or unless there are constitutional amendments to change our [Book of Church Order (BCO)], each court is to be reminded to be faithful in upholding the constitutional views of the Church….,” and goes on to cite relevant passages of Scripture and sections of the BCO.
“Overture from Northwest Georgia Presbytery: "An Alternative Plan for PCA Renewal" reports on another Northwest Georgia Presbytery overture through an opinion and commentary piece by the Rev. Dr. John D. Payne, who says, “if our PCA churches and presbyteries return to the rich theology and practice of Reformed Confessionalism, as reflected in the seventeen point summary below, we will know and experience the spiritual renewal and reformation that we all eagerly desire….,” then provides a transcript of the presbytery overture.
+ The Aquila Report, c/o Metokos Press, 211 Main Street, Suite 108, Narrows, Virginia 24124, 540-726-8223,
+ Presbyterian Church in America, 1700 North Brown Road, Suite 105, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043, 678-825-1000, Fax: 678-825-1001,
[3] Bible Presbyterian Church Issues 4 June 2010 Call to Prayer in Advance of 74th General Synod 5-10 August 2010
In advance of the 74th General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church (BP) to be held 5-10 August 2010 at Grace Bible Presbyterian Church in Sharonville, Ohio, a Call to Prayer has been issued:
“[On 4 June 1937], men of godly mind and will gathered to pray to ask the Lord’s direction in the formation of a church body that was to become known as The Bible Presbyterian Church. On [5-10 August] commissioners from Canada and the United States will gather for the convening of the 74th General Synod. Preparation is under way by Dr. Len Pine, synod moderator, and the host church, Grace Bible Presbyterian Church pastored by the Rev. Tim Miessler.
“Calvin writing in a wonderful section on prayer, chapter XX, book III, in the Institutes, suggests four rules of prayer.
“The first rule is that God’s people come with a spirit of reverence, as those “impressed with the majesty of God.”
“The second rule in our praying is that we appear in God’s presence with a sense of want or need. “The pious, in the prayers which they utter, trust not in their own worth.”
“The third rule requires that Christians come with a suppression of pride, “in short, discard all self-confidence, humbly giving God the whole glory.”
“The fourth rule for prayer warriors is that we approach God with a sure confidence of being heard. Calvin urges that we come to God in “the footsteps of faith.” He then concludes, “All the passages throughout Scripture in which we are commanded to pray, are set up before our eyes as so many banners, to inspire us with confidence.” (Henry Beveridge edition, pp. 149,152,156,158)
“Prayer needs to remember as you pray (and perhaps fast) are:
“1. BP Churches and presbyteries
“2. BP Missionaries and military chaplains
“3. BP Agencies (IBPFM, PMU, WRS, FPP)
“4. A vision to plant new churches
““It is a good thing to be called to prayer. When Nehemiah saw a broken and empty Jerusalem he said, “I sat down and wept…and fasted, and prayer before the God of heaven” Nehemiah 1:4”
+ Bible Presbyterian Church, Contact Page
+ Fundamental Presbyterian Publications, Morris McDonald, Managing Editor, 344th Avenue West, Kalispell, Montana 59901,
[4] Malawi Presbyterians Endorse Fourteen-Year Jail Sentence for Homosexual Couple
A 23 May 2010 article on the One News Page website titled “Malawi Church Welcomes Sentence for Gay Couple” reports that two homosexual men in Malawi held a traditional wedding engagement ceremony, and were subsequently arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to fourteen years imprisonment for sodomy and gross indecency.
General Secretary of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, Livingstonia Synod, the Rev. Levi Nyondo expressed approval of the jail sentences, saying: “As a church, we don't support homosexuality or same-sex marriages. That is both un-African and un-Christian.”
Nyondo urged the government of Malawi, which is one of the world's poorest countries, not to be bullied by foreign donors into legalizing homosexuality, commenting: “The donors can stay with their money, we have our morals to protect. The government should stand firm, we are supporting it. They should not be bullied into submission by donor money.”
A 23 May 2010 article by Scott Brown in The Scotsman titled “Church of Scotland Hits Out at Jailing of Gay Couple in Malawi” reports that the Rev. Ian Galloway, convener of the Church of Scotland (COS)’s Church and Society Council spoke out against the jailing of the two Malawian men, saying: "This is not a just decision and it is one that we hope will be quickly reversed. These men have harmed no-one. They are a danger to no-one and they should not be in prison.
"It is not right to imprison people on the grounds of their sexuality, even in a place where attitudes to human sexuality are different from here, and those differences should not stop us saying so."
+ One News Page,
+ The Scotsman, Barclay House, 108 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AS, Scotland, 131-620-8620
+ Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, General Synod, Post Office Box 30398, Capital City, Lilongwe 3, Malawi, 265-796064,
+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722
[5] Church of Scotland New College School of Divinity at Edinburgh University has Four 2010 Applicants, Lowest in 167 Year School History
A 23 May 2010 article by Brian Donnelly in The Herald titled “Kirk’s College of Divinity has So Few Students it is ‘Scarcely Viable’” reports that the Church of Scotland (COS)’s New College School of Divinity at Edinburgh University has received only four applications in 2010, the fewest in the school’s 167-year history.
+ The Herald, 200 Renfield Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 3QB, 0141- 302-7000, Fax: 0141-302-7117,
+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722
[6] New Church of Scotland Moderator Urges Kirk to Continue Reforming
At a special session on 24 May 2010 commemorating the 450th anniversary of the Scottish Reformation, the 2010 General Assembly of the Church of Scotland (COS) heard an address by new moderator the Rt. Rev. John Christie where he urged the COS to continue reforming, and reminded the assembly that the Kirk is now in a different world from the time of Protestant reformer John Knox, a time where secular voices challenge the Church.
Also speaking at the special session was Scottish Parliament Presiding Officer Alex Fergusson MSP (Member - Scottish Parliament) who read an account of the Scottish Parliament of August 1560 which approved the Scots Confession.
Extracts from the records of the very first General Assembly in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 20 December 1560 were read by Principal Clerk, the Very Rev. Dr. Finlay Macdonald.
Professor of Reformation History at the University of Edinburgh Jane Dawson spoke about the origins of the Reformation and how it came to be established in Scotland.
Actor John Shedden, dressed as John Knox, read extracts from Knox's account of the martyrdom of George Wishart, and from the Scots Confession itself.
The impact the Reformation had on education in Scotland was outlined by the Rev. Ewan Aitken - a legacy that continues to this very day in Scottish schools.
Roman Catholic Bishop of Argyll and the Isles the Rt. Rev. Joseph Toal read a Scripture Reading from the Gospel of John - reputably John Knox's favorite piece of Scripture.
+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722
+ The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EH99 1SP, Scotland, 0131-348-5000,
+ The Vatican, Città del Vaticano, Rome, Italy, 39-6-69-88-35-11, Fax: 39-6-69-88-54-47, Contact Page
[7] Calvin Synod Elects New Bishop
The Calvin Synod meeting of 18-21 May 2010 in Ligonier, Pennsylvania, elected Rt. Rev. Béla Poznán as Bishop for the coming three year term. Csaba Krasnai was elected Auxiliary Bishop of the Synod. The Rt. Rev. Koloman Karl Ludwig who served as Bishop from 2004 to 2010 was elected General Secretary and also designated “Bishop Emeritus”.
+ Magyar Református Egyház, Contact Page
+ Calvin Synod, C/O Rt. Rev. Koloman K. Ludwig, General Secretary, 7319 Tapper Avenue, Hammond, Indiana 46324, 219-931-4321,
[8] Second Christian Reformed Church of Kalamazoo, Michigan Seeks Classis Transfer over Women’s Ordination
A 22 May 2010 article by Margaret DeRitter in the Kalamazoo Gazette titled “Second Christian Reformed Church in Kalamazoo Seeks Transfer over Women's Ordination” reports that Second Christian Reformed Church (Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRC)) of Kalamazoo, Michigan, is seeking to transfer from Classis Kalamazoo, which supports the ordination of women, to Classis Minnkota, which maintains the traditional biblical limitation of ordination to men only.
Both classes have approved the transfer, and a final determination is expected at the June 2010 CRC Synod meeting.
+ Michigan Live LLC, 339 East Liberty Street, Suite 210, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104,
+ Christian Reformed Church in North America, 2850 Kalamazoo Avenue Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49560, 616-241-1691, Fax: 616-224-0803
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
26 May 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
19 May 2010
Presbyterians Week Headlines
[1] PEF Family Conference Scheduled 12-17 July 2010 at Milligan College in Milligan College, Tennessee
[2] Death of Dr. Ui Hwan ("John E.") Kim on 10 May 2010 – Led Sessession of Forty Percent of CRC Korean Membership
[3] Church of Scotland to Mark 450th Anniversary of Scottish Reformation 23 May 2010
[4] Church of Scotland Proposes Closure of St. Andrew’s Press to Cut Costs
[5] Nassau, Bahamas, Church of Scotland Congregation Votes to Leave Kirk and Join Evangelical Presbyterian Church of America
[6] Aurora, Illinois First Presbyterian Church Leaves PCUSA after Payment Agreement of US$140,000
[7] Isle of Lewis, Scotland, Golf Club Refused Permission to Open Bar on the Sabbath after Protest by Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) Churches
[8] Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) General Assembly Begins Meeting on 17 May 2010 at Liberton Kirk in Edinburgh, Scotland
[1] PEF Family Conference Scheduled 12-17 July 2010 at Milligan College in Milligan College, Tennessee
The Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship is holding the 2010 Family Evangelism Conference with the conference theme “Finishing the Great Commission with Unfinished People” 12-17 July 2010 at Milligan College in Milligan College, Tennessee.
Speakers and panelists for the conference include the Rev. Al Baker, Dr. Phil Blevins, Dr. Don Clements, the Rev. Richard Fisher, Dr. George Joseph Gatis, Walter Howard, Dr. Bill Iverson, and Ambassador Alan Keyes.
Registration is available at, or by calling 800-225-5733.
+ Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship, 425 State Street, Suite 312, Bristol, Virginia 24201, 276-591-5335, Fax: 276-591-5349,
+ Milligan College, Post Office Box 500, Milligan College, Tennessee37682, 423-461-8700,
[2] Death of Dr. Ui Hwan ("John E.") Kim on 10 May 2010 – Led Sessession of Forty Percent of CRC Korean Membership"The history of the church has been observing a pendulum which moving between purity and unity of the church. Without conservative methods, unity would break the purity of truth; purity has been polluted by over-strong unity; unity has been broken when purity has been overemphasized." - Dr. Ui Hwan "John E." Kim
Dr. Ui Hwan ("John E.") Kim, a worker of God, passed away at 2:30 p.m. on 10 May 2010; he was seventy-seven years old. Dr. Kim was in the Sunchonhyang hospital in Seoul, South Korea, and underwent surgery because of a chronic disease. However, he did not recover following surgery. Visitation was in the Yonsei Severance Hospital in Seoul. The funeral lasted five days; the encoffining rite was at 8:00 p.m. on 13 May ; the bier left home at 9:00 p.m. on 14 May. The burial place is the Family Park in Cheonan, South Korea. Surviving Dr. Kim are his wife, Won Sun Gang, his three sons, and two daughters.
Dr. Kim was born in Daeduk-eup, Jangheung-Gun, Jeollanam-Do in Korea on 19 November 1933. The Korean War broke out while he was in junior high school. In the middle of the battlefield, he prayed, "God, if you rescue me in the war, I will believe in you." That was the first time Dr. Kim ever prayed in his life. Throughout the war, his values were changed and he started to knock upon the door of theology.
He graduated from Jinju High School in 1951 and Kosin University in 1957. He went to Covenant Graduate School in 1959 and transferred in 1960 to Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan, graduating with a bachelor of divinity degree (B.D.). He obtained a master of theology (Th.M.) degree from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1963 and received his Ph.D. from Temple University. He was ordained as a pastor by the Philadelphia Presbytery in 1966.
After a year, he became an assistant professor in Chongshin University in 1967. He became an associate professor in 1969 and a full professor in1973; he resigned his professorship and returned to the United States again in 1976. He was president of International Theological Seminary in Los Angeles, California, from 1982 to 1995 and a professor at Reformed Theological Seminary in 1985. He served as president of Chongshin University from 1995 to 1999 and then served as the third president of Calvin University in South Korea in 2002 to 2007.
Dr. Kim showed great talent not only as a scholar, but also as a pastor. He founded and served Saehan Church (1968 to 1972), Eden Church (1972 to 1975), and Los Angeles Korean Christian Reformed Church (1976 to 1995). He was later called by Sungbok Jung Ang Church where he served from 1999 to 2002.
Also, Dr. Kim attended the Reformed Ecumenical Synod's meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 1968 as a representative from the Hapdong Presbyterian Church. He was active as an establishing director of the Asia Union Theological Graduate School.
+ www.c-w-kr
+ Hyo-Eun Ahn – Translator (Thank you! - Ed.)
+ Darrell Todd Maurina – Research (Thank you! - Ed.)
+ Christian Reformed Church in North America, 2850 Kalamazoo Avenue Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49560, 616-241-1691, Fax: 616-224-0803
[3] Church of Scotland to Mark 450th Anniversary of Scottish Reformation 23 May 2010
A 13 May 2010 article in the Stornoway Gazette titled “Scottish Reformation to be marked at General Assembly” reports that the Church of Scotland 2010 General Assembly, at 4:00 p.m. on 23 May 2010 in a special session, will mark the 450th anniversary of the Scottish Reformation, when Scotland, led by John Knox, formally broke with the Papacy and reestablished the church under Reformed principles.
+ Stornoway Gazette, 10 Francis Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis HS12XE, Scotland, 01851-702-687,
+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722
+ The Vatican, Città del Vaticano, Rome, Italy, 39-6-69-88-35-11, Fax: 39-6-69-88-54-47, Contact Page
[4] Church of Scotland Proposes Closure of St. Andrew’s Press to Cut Costs
An 11 May 2010 article by Ian Swanson in The Scotsman titled “Book Thrown at the Kirk over Plan to Shut Publishing House” reports on the backlash both inside and outside the Church of Scotland (COS) over plans to close down the Kirk’s publishing house, St. Andrew’s Press, a publisher of general and religious books.
The former Scottish Episcopal Church Bishop of Edinburgh, Richard Holloway, said that the COS looks like it is "pulling up the drawbridge."
John Macgill, convener of the COS publishing committee, said the proposal would end more than fifty years of book publishing by the COS, and: "What remains would then be a small print-management operation which would exist solely to produce internal resource material.” The committee plans to present a self-funding business plan to the 2010 COS General Assembly in hope of having the closure decision overturned.
+ The Scotsman, Barclay House, 108 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AS, Scotland, 131-620-8620
+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722
+ Scottish Episcopal Church, 21 Grosvenor Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5EE, Scotland, 0131-225-6357, Fax: 0131-346-7247, Contact Page
[5] Nassau, Bahamas, Church of Scotland Congregation Votes to Leave Kirk and Join Evangelical Presbyterian Church of America
A 17 May 2010 article by Brian Donnelly in The Herald titled “Congregation Quits Kirk in Protest over Gay Ordination” reports that the Nassau, Bahamas, congregation of St. Andrew’s Church of Scotland (Church of Scotland in the Bahamas) (COSB)) has voted to disassociate with the COSB and associate with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of America (EPC) over the Church of Scotland’s appointment of a homosexual minister to Queen’s Cross Church in Aberdeen, Scotland.
More than fifty COS churches have said that they will not accept homosexual ordination under any circumstances, which signals a possible schism in the COS in 2011 when the commission on the issue of homosexual ordination reports back to the COS 2011 General Assembly.
On another note, Brian Donnelly describes the Evangelical Presbyterian Church as a “fundamentalist” church because the EPC “takes the position homosexuality is against the Scriptures and is opposed to women being ordained.”
An 18 May 2010 article by Alison Lowe in The Tribune titled “Church Breakaway Linked to Gay Controversy” reports that the Rev. Scott Kirkland of the Lucaya Presbyterian Church in Freeport, Bahamas, and elder Captain Dugie McNab will represent the congregations of St. Andrews, Lucaya, and the Kirk of the Pines in Marsh Harbour, Bahamas (all COSB), at the 2010 COS General Assembly meeting where they will "bid the Church of Scotland farewell" after 200 years, as all three churches have voted to disassociate with the COS and associate with the EPC.
+ The Herald, 200 Renfield Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 3QB, 0141- 302-7000, Fax: 0141-302-7117,
+ The Tribune, Shirley Street, Post Office Box N-3207, Nassau, Bahamas, 242-322-1986, 242-328-2398,
+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722
+ Evangelical Presbyterian Church, 17197 North Laurel Park Drive Suite 567, Livonia, Michigan 48152, 734-742-2020, Fax: 734-742-2033,
[6] Aurora, Illinois First Presbyterian Church Leaves PCUSA after Payment Agreement of US$140,000
The 152 year-old, 700 member First Presbyterian Church of Aurora, Illinois, was dismissed from the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) on 11 May 2010 by a 58-48 vote of the Blackhawk Presbytery after the church agreed to pay the presbytery a US$140,000 dismissal fee and other long-term provisions. US$85,000 of the fee will be contributed to the Wayside Cross Ministries (Aurora, Illinois) Building Fund; US$55,000 of the settlement will be used by the presbytery for reimbursement of all expenses related to the dismissal process, with the remaining funds to be distributed to the presbytery’s Mission Strategies and Resources Board to support currently approved presbytery missions.
First Presbyterian Church is now affiliated with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
+ Daybreak Communications, Inc., Post Office Box 414, Batavia, Illinois 60510, 630-879-8828,
+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005
+ Blackhawk Presbytery, Post Office Box 157, Oregon, Illinois 61061, 815-732-3258, Fax: 815-732-2569,
+ Evangelical Presbyterian Church, 17197 North Laurel Park Drive Suite 567, Livonia, Michigan 48152, 734-742-2020, Fax: 734-742-2033,
[7] Isle of Lewis, Scotland, Golf Club Refused Permission to Open Bar on the Sabbath after Protest by Free Church of Scotland (Continuing)'s Presbytery of Lewis
A proposal by the Stornaway Golf Club on the Isle of Lewis, Scotland, to open their bar on the Sabbath was rejected by the Western Isles Licensing Board in a four-to-three vote after protests by the Presbytery of Lewis of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing).
Clerk to the Presbytery of Lewis, Callum MacLean, wrote: "We would remind the licensing court of their responsibilities before the higher court of Almighty God and of the reality of their being called to account for actions which will further permit the desecration of the Lord's Day."
+ The Daily Record, 67 Hope Street, Glasgow, Scotland, 0141-309-3251,
+ Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), Rev. John MacLeod, Free Church Manse, Portmahomack, Ross-shire, Scotland,
[8] Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) General Assembly Begins Meeting on 17 May 2010 at Liberton Kirk in Edinburgh, Scotland
The Free Church of Scotland (Continuing)’s 2010 General Assembly began 17 May 2010 at the Liberton Kirk in Edinburgh, Scotland.
In his opening address on 18 May 2010, newly-inducted Moderator the Rev. David Fraser argued that the problems which individuals, the nation, and the Church face have a common source – an approach to life which is not is not based on the Bible.
In a keynote address on the subject of “Scotland’s Reformation – a Blueprint for the Progress Today,” marking the 450th anniversary of the Scottish Reformation, the Rev. Tim McGlynn, who himself came from a Roman Catholic background, argued: “The nation was changed not simply by the preaching of Knox, but with the help and support of the Lords of the Congregation. His return to Scotland and the opportunities afforded him came from godly men in places of influence and importance. We need a generation of godly men and women who will bring the convictions of a Biblical and Reformed faith back into the councils, institutions and parliament of the nation once again.”
+ Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), Rev. John MacLeod, Free Church Manse, Portmahomack, Ross-shire, Scotland,
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
12 May 2010
Presbyterians Week Headlines
[1] Free Church of Scotland Considers Adding Hymns and Instrumental Music to Current Exclusive Psalmody
[2] Church of Scotland Ecumenical Committee Recommends Joint Baptismal Renewal Liturgy with Roman Catholics
[3] Church of Scotland Protests Loss of Value Added Tax (VAT) Exemption for Repairs to Houses of Worship
[4] Internet Archive Publishes The Book of Common Prayer as Amended by the Westminster Divines , A.D. 1661
[5] Hope College Board of Trustees Affirms Existing Policy on Homosexuality
[6] PCA Publishes Frequently Asked Questions List for 2010 Strategic Plan
[7] Presbyterian Reformed Church in Cuba Adds Tenth Church and Expands Outreach Ministries
[8] “Answering the Call: New Life In The Mainline Church” Conference Scheduled 6-8 August 2010 at Elmhurst College in Chicago, Illinois
[9] "Dracula's Shadow: The Real Story Behind the Romanian Revolution" Documentary on May 2010 Fundraising Tour
[10] AU and the ACLU File Suit against Enfield, Connecticut Public Schools for Conducting Graduation Ceremony in a Church
[11] Texas Third Grader Given Week of Detention after Schoolmate Gave Her Piece of Hershey’s Jolly Rancher Hard Candy
[12] John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute Publishes “American Police State: Secret Prisons in the U.S.”
[1] Free Church of Scotland Considers Adding Hymns and Instrumental Music to Current Exclusive Psalmody
A 5 May 2010 article by Cameron Brooks in the Press and Journal titled “Free Church of Scotland Considers Lifting 110-Year Ban” reports on a proposal by several Free Church of Scotland (FCS) ministers to give individual congregations the option of adding hymns and instrumental music to the current requirements for exclusive psalmody. The potential changes could make it easier for Church of Scotland congregations disagreeing with the Kirk’s appointment of a homosexual minister to Queen’s Cross Church in Aberdeen, Scotland, to change their denominational affiliation to the FCS.
A 6 May 2010 press release from the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) (FCSC) reports on “dramatic increase in interest in Psalm-singing within the [FCSC],” and explains a twelve-year cycle program for FCSC churches for instruction in singing the metrical psalms, which has had a twenty-eight percent increase in participation during the past year.
+ Press and Journal, Lang Stracht, Mastrick, Aberdeen AB15 6DF, Scotland, 01224-343311,
+ Free Church of Scotland, 15 North Bank Street, The Mound, Edinburgh, Scotland EH1 2LS, 0131-226-5286, Fax: 0131-220-0597,
+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722
+ Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), Rev. John MacLeod, Free Church Manse, Portmahomack, Ross-shire, Scotland,
[2] Church of Scotland Ecumenical Committee Recommends Joint Baptismal Renewal Liturgy with Roman Catholics
An 11 May 2010 article in Ekklesia titled “Scottish Presbyterians Encourage Joint Reaffirmation of Baptism Vows with Catholics” reports that the Ecumenical Committee of the Church of Scotland (COS)’s report to the 2010 COS General Assembly (GA) will recommend adoption of a special liturgy for baptismal renewal to be celebrated jointly with the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), which was devised by the COS Joint Committee on Doctrine that consists of both COS and RCC representatives.
An 11 May 2010 Press and Journal article titled “Closer Inter-Church Links Urged” reports on another COS Ecumenical Committee report to the COS GA lauding the joint talks between the COS and the Church of England, which may soon include the Scottish Episcopal Church, which are designed to improve cooperation between the denominations and allow three-way working on doctrine and theological matters.
Another report to the COS GA recommends support for creating artificial living organisms in the laboratory as long as the research is done in an ethical manner.
+ Ekklesia, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St. John Street, London EC1V 4PY, England, 0845 056 5445,
+ Press and Journal, Lang Stracht, Mastrick, Aberdeen AB15 6DF, Scotland, 01224-343311,
+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722
+ The Vatican, Città del Vaticano, Rome, Italy, 39-6-69-88-35-11, Fax: 39-6-69-88-54-47, Contact Page
+ Church of England, Church House, Great Smith Street, Westminster, SW1P 3AZ, England, 44-0-20-7898-1000
+ Scottish Episcopal Church, 21 Grosvenor Crescent, Edinburgh
EH12 5EE, Scotland, 0131-225-6357, Fax: 0131-346-7247, Contact Page
[3] Church of Scotland Protests Loss of Value Added Tax (VAT) Exemption for Repairs to Houses of Worship
A 9 May 2010 article by David Leask in The Scotsman titled “Church of Scotland Leaders to Fight New Tax Rules over VAT Exemption” reports that the Church of Scotland leaders are organizing opposition to a new tax rule beginning in April 2011 that lifts the ten-year-old VAT exemption for repairs to houses of worship, thus adding seventeen and one-half percent to the cost of church repairs.
+ The Scotsman, Barclay House, 108 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AS, Scotland, 131-620-8620
+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722
[4] Internet Archive Publishes The Book of Common Prayer as Amended by the Westminster Divines , A.D. 1661
The Internet Archive has published The Book of Common Prayer as Amended by the Westminster Divines, A.D. 1661, edited by Charles W. Shields, D.D., with a historical and liturgical treatise, originally published by James S. Claxton of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1867.
The book is from the library collection of Princeton Theological Seminary.
+ Internet Archive, 116 Sheridan Avenue, The Presidio of San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94129, 415-561-6767
Fax: 415-840-0391,
+ Princeton Theological Seminary, 64 Mercer Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08542-0803, 609-921-8300
[5] Hope College Board of Trustees Affirms Existing Policy on Homosexuality
A 9 May 2010 article by Nathan Black in The Christian Post titled “Hope College Upholds Gay Policy amid Protest,” reports that the Hope College Board of Trustees on 8 May 2010 announced that the institution’s existing policy on homosexuality will remain the university’s policy.
The board’s statement said: “The college’s current position on homosexuality is based on its interpretation of scripture. It is recognized that well-intentioned Christians may disagree on scriptural interpretation. Still, humbly and respectfully, the college aligns itself in its interpretation with its founding denomination, the Reformed Church in America, the orthodox Christian Church throughout the ages, and other Christian colleges and universities.”
+ The Christian Post, National Press Building, 529 14th Street Northwest, Suite 420, Washington DC 20045, 202-347-7734,
+ Hope College, Holland, Michigan 49423, 616-395-7780, Fax: 616-395-7111,
+ Reformed Church in America, 4500 60th Street Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49512, 800-968-6065,
[6] PCA Publishes Frequently Asked Questions List for 2010 Strategic Plan
The Administrative Committee (AC) of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) has published a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list about the 2010 Strategic Plan, which is available at:
A ByFaith Online article dated May 2010 titled “Strategic Plan: AC Addresses Questions” features questions about the 2010 Strategic Plan being answered by PCA AC Business Manager the Rev. John Robertson, where in response to question number three: “Someone suggested that if a church doesn’t participate it will be penalized. Is this true?,” answers: “If a church or pastor doesn't pay the annual registration fee they’re not permitted to vote at the General Assembly [GA]. But under the current system they have to pay the registration fee to vote. I don’t see a big difference there principally. This simply requires a minimal financial commitment of leaders to secure our ecclesiastical operation. And it helps provide the connecting infrastructure of the church.”
A 6 May 2010 comment on the ByFaith Online article, posted by the Rev. Steven Shuman of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Laurel, Mississippi, responds: “Unless the language of proposed BCO [Book of Church Order] 14:2 has changed since its publication on the website, Mr. Robertson's answer to question three is incorrect. Pastors of churches which don't pay the church registration fee will be prohibited from being GA voting members even if they pay the TE [Teaching Elder] fee. There is no "or" in the proposed language. It is an emphatic TE registration fee AND church registration fee for pastors. TEs who are not pastors will ONLY pay the TE fee and vote. By the way, we are one of churches in the PCA which contribute to the AC annually and have for the past nineteen years.”
The 2010 Strategic Plan proposed changes to BCO 14.2 include: “The voting members of the General Assembly shall consist of: (1) all teaching elders who have currently paid the Annual Registration Fee for teaching elders as approved by the General Assembly and who are members of Sessions whose churches have currently paid the Annual Registration Fee for churches as approved by the General Assembly, (2) all teaching elders who have currently paid the Annual Registration Fee for teaching elders as approved by the General Assembly and who are not members of Sessions, (3) and ruling elder commissioners as elected by their Session and whose churches have currently paid the Annual Registration Fee for churches as approved by the General Assembly. Honorably Retired Teaching Elders are exempted from this Annual Registration Fee.”
+ Presbyterian Church in America, 1700 North Brown Road, Suite 105, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043, 678-825-1000, Fax: 678-825-1001,
[7] Presbyterian Reformed Church in Cuba Adds Tenth Church and Expands Outreach Ministries
A 7 May 2010 article by Jerry L. Van Marter of the Presbyterian News Service titled “More with Less” reports that in 2009, the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba’s Havana Presbytery chartered a tenth church and expanded outreach ministries including feeding programs, gardening projects, tutoring children, visiting the elderly, and ministry to victims and families of those with HIV/AIDS.
The nine existing churches are all thriving and experiencing growth. At least twenty-four Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) churches have relationships with Havana Presbytery churches, and each Havana Presbytery church has at least one PCUSA partner church.
+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005
+ Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba, Salud # 222 e/ Lealtad y Campanario, Ciudad Habana, C.P. 10200, Cuba, 53-7-862-1219, Fax: 53-7-866-8819,
[8] “Answering the Call: New Life In The Mainline Church” Conference Scheduled 6-8 August 2010 at Elmhurst College in Chicago, Illinois
The Association For Church Renewal is sponsoring “Answering the Call: New Life In The Mainline Church,” a conference for men, women, clergy and laity concerning the future of the church, scheduled for 6-8 August 2010 at Elmhurst College in Chicago, Illinois.
Registration and further information are available at:
+ Association For Church Renewal, Post Office Box 102, 182 High Street, Candia, New Hampshire 03034, 603-867-7711,
[9] "Dracula's Shadow: The Real Story Behind the Romanian Revolution" Documentary on May 2010 Fundraising Tour
The documentary "Dracula's Shadow: The Real Story Behind the Romanian Revolution" is being screened at various sites in the U.S. and Canada during May 2010 on a fundraising tour for the Hungarian Human Rights Foundation.
The film tells the story of how one May 1989 clandestine interview by former Quebec Cabinet Minister Michel Clair and Radio-Canada reporter Réjean Roy with Hungarian Reformed (Romanian Reformed Church) minister the Rev. László Tőkés in Timisoara, Romania, changed history and led to the secret police-defying demonstrations of 15 December 1989 where hundreds of people risked their lives to defend the dissident pastor.
The Christian Observer too, played a role in this pivotal period in Romanian history by spiriting a mimeograph machine into Romania to the Rev. László Tőkés, a friend of the late Christian Observer Publisher the Rev. Dr. Edwin Elliott, who accomplished the mission with the invaluable assistance of a Dutch television crew on the ground in Romania. Tőkés used the mimeograph to have news about his plight quietly distributed throughout Romania in the months leading up to the December 1989 revolution.
+ Hungarian Human Rights Foundation, 120 East 90th Street, Suite 5D, New York, New York 10128, 212-289-5488, Fax: 212-996-6268,
+ Radio-Canada, C.P. 6000, succ. centre-ville, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3A8, Canada, 514 597-4757, Fax: 514 597-5253,
+ Romanian Reformed Church, 410210 Nagyvárad(Oradea), Kálvin János utca 1. Szám, Romania, 259-453-286,
+ Christian Observer, Post Office Box 1371, Lexington, Virginia 20110,
[10] AU and the ACLU File Suit against Enfield, Connecticut Public Schools for Conducting Graduation Ceremony in a Church
Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on 4 May 2010 filed suit on behalf of two high school seniors and three of the students’ parents in the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut against the Enfield, Connecticut Public Schools because AU and the ACLU contend that holding graduation exercises at First Cathedral in Bloomfield, Connecticut, unconstitutionally imposes religion on students.
The suit asks for an injunction against holding the upcoming graduation at First Cathedral, a permanent injunction against holding school graduations at churches or “religious venues,” nominal damages of $US1.00 for each of the five plaintiffs, and payment of attorney fees, costs, and expenses. The suit suggests as possible alternative relief the covering up of all religious symbols inside and outside the facilities where graduation exercises are held.
+ Americans United for Separation of Church and State, 518 C Street Northeast, Washington DC 20002, 202-466-3234, Fax: 202-466-2587,
+ American Civil Liberties Union, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor, New York, New York 10004, 212-549-2500, Contact Page
[11] Texas Third Grader Given Week of Detention after Schoolmate Gave Her Piece of Hershey’s Jolly Rancher Hard Candy
An 6 May 2010 article by Gabe Gutierrez on titled “Jolly Rancher Lands Brazos ISD Third-Grader in Detention for a Week” reports that third-grader Leighann Adair, a student at Brazos Elementary School in Orchard, Texas, while eating lunch was given a week of school detention after a fellow student handed Leighann a piece of Hershey’s Jolly Rancher hard candy, purportedly in violation of a state guideline that bans “minimal nutrition” foods.
Brazos Independent School District Superintendent Jack Ellis defended the punishment, pointing out that violation of state nutritional guidelines could put the school district in danger of being denied federal funds and saying” “Whether or not I agree with the guidelines, we have to follow the rules.”
A 7 May 2010 article by Tiffany Craig of titled “State Says School Went Too Far in Giving Child Detention over Jolly Rancher ” reports that the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) on 7 May 2010 wrote a letter to the school, saying: “This particular incidence of candy possession as it has been reported by KHOU-TV would not be considered a violation of the state or federal nutrition program and therefore would not have jeopardized your district’s food service funding.” TDA further explained that the nutrition policy is intended to improve the health of Texas youth, but not to prohibit sharing a little candy.
The school subsequently rescinded young Ms. Adair’s detention.
+ KHOU-TV Channel 11, 1945 Allen Parkway, Houston, Texas 77019, 713-526-1111, Contact Page
+ Ministry of Silly Walks
[12] John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute Publishes “American Police State: Secret Prisons in the U.S.”
Constitutional attorney John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute published a 4 May 2010 article titled “American Police State: Secret Prisons in the U.S.,” which reports current abuses of police power within the U.S., including New York City, New York police officers who since 2004 have stopped three million people, mostly black and Hispanic, without probable cause, and have entered their names into a permanent police database to be used in future investigations.
Whitehead tells of a 2008 gathering of police and sheriffs where James Pendergraph, executive director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Office of State and Local Coordination, bragged: "If you don't have enough evidence to charge someone criminally, but you think he's illegal, we can make him disappear," referring to a network of 186 secret detention centers hidden in warehouse-like facilities in communities across the U.S.
Rutherford cites an article, [of 16 December 2009 titled “America's Secret ICE Castles”], in The Nation by law professor Jacqueline Stevens, who writes: "…with no detention rules and being off the map spatially and otherwise, ICE agents at these locations are acting in ways that are unconscionable and unlawful" and describes one of the 186 detention centers known as B-18 as where “the occupants become inventory. Inventory does not need showers, beds, drinking water, soap, toothbrushes, sanitary napkins, mail, attorneys or legal information, and can withstand the constant blast of cold air. The U.S. residents held in B-18, as many as 100 on any given day, were treated likewise. B-18, it turned out, was not a transfer area from point A to point B but rather an irrationally revolving stockroom that would shuttle the same people briefly to the local jails, sometimes from 1:00 to 5:00 a.m., and then bring them back, shackled to one another, stooped and crouching in over-packed vans. These transfers made it impossible for anyone to know their location, as there would be no notice to attorneys or relatives when people moved.”
Whitehead concludes that these facilities circumvent the writ of habeas corpus which protects against secret detention, that in trying to deal with the real problem of illegal immigrants, these facilities “risk undermining our own rule of law and rendering our Constitution null and void,” and “while something clearly needs to be done in the way of immigration reform, it must not come at the expense of Americans' right to be treated fairly and in accordance with our Constitution.”
+ The Rutherford Institute, Post Office Box 7482, Charlottesville, Virginia 22906, 434-978-3888, Fax: 434-978-1789,
+ The Nation, 33 Irving Place New York, New York 10003, 212-209-5400, Fax: 212-982-9000, Contact Page
+ U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 500 12th Street Southwest, Washington DC 20536, 202-732-4242
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
5 May 2010
[1] Christian Observer Highlights for May 2010
[2] 40,000 Rally for Worldwide Nuclear Disarmament in Times Square the Day after Propane and Black Powder Car Bomb Fails to Explode
[3] Ninth Commandment Issues from within and without Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University
[4] RCA Church in Oostburg, Wisconsin, to Host Speaker on International Terrorism
[5] PCUSA Presbytery of Geneva Mission Team Assists Widows of Coal Miners in Kopperston, West Virginia
[6] EPC Expresses Gratitude and Concern over PCUSA Task Force Report Finding the Allegations of EPC Solicitation of PCUSA Churches to be Unsubstantiated
[7] Church of Scotland Confesses Sexism toward Women Ministers
[8] The Herald Counsels Church of Scotland to Take Radical Action to Prevent Financial Ruin
[9] South African Reformed Churches Join in Denunciation of “Kill the Boer” Song Prior to and in the Wake of Afrikaner Resistance Movement Leader Eugene Terreblanche’s Murder
[10] New Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell Rescinds Order by Previous Virginia Governor Tim Kaine that State Police Chaplains Not Pray in the Name of Jesus
[11] May-June 2010 Trinity Review Published
[12] Bluegrass Concert 8 May 2010 at Firelands Presbyterian Church in Port Clinton, Ohio
[13] Tea Partiers Treated as Enemies of the State
[1] Christian Observer Highlights for May 2010
New articles in the Christian Observer for May 2010 include:
-- Evolution is a Religion! – by Dr. Grady S. McMurtry, Director of Creation Worldview Ministries – the dogma of naturalism as defined by its evolutionist adherents;
-- Teaching — Monitoring Stupidity? – by Christian Observer Contributing Editor Dr. Joe Renfro – how government school teachers are more and more becoming monitors of stupidity;
-- Guest Editor’s Message – Dean Turbeville Writes . . . – a message to Associate Reformed Presbyterian (ARP) teaching elder the Rev. Dr. Chuck Wilson from ARP teaching elder the Rev. Dr. Dean Turbeville concerning the ongoing battle between secularism and biblical fidelity being waged between the proponents of worldliness at Erskine College and Theological Seminary and the majority of the ARP General Synod who in March 2010 voted to reestablish biblical authority over Erskine and its Board of Trustees; and,
-- John Stott Releases His Farewell Book: The Radical Disciple – the republication of an ASSIST News Service book review by Brian Nixon of preacher and author John Stott’s self-described final book The Radical Disciple.
Plus, regular features including weekly Sabbath School Lessons and Westminster Shorter Catechism lessons by Christian Observer Assistant Editor Dr. Robert LaMay, and Daily Devotionals by T.M. Moore, dean of the Centurions Program of the Wilberforce Forum and principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe.
+ Christian Observer, Post Office Box 1371, Lexington, Virginia 20110,
[2] 40,000 Rally for Worldwide Nuclear Disarmament in Times Square the Day after Propane and Black Powder Car Bomb Fails to Explode
40,000people gathered 2 May 2010 in Times Square, New York City, New York, to hear National Council of Churches (NCC) General Secretary the Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon call nuclear weapons a “crime against humanity,” and call for total worldwide nuclear disarmament.
Just one day prior to the gathering, Times Square was the scene of an attempted bombing by a vehicle packed with propane gas tanks and black powder, which failed to explode upon detonation. The failed car bomb was parked near the offices of Viacom, the owners of the “South Park” cartoon series, the creators of which recently have been threatened by Muslims for insulting Muhammed.
The website posted a YouTube film of a 2 May 2010 da’waah, or Muslim preaching event, in Times Square that pictured U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama as a Nazi and threatened death and destruction to Americans if the “global war on terror” is continued. The article title referred to the events of 1 May 2010 as a “preview.”
The NCC nuclear disarmament rally was held on the eve of a historic United Nations review conference of the signatories to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
ABC News reported 3 May 2010 that a person of interest being sought related to the attempted Times Square bombing is a naturalized American citizen from Pakistan that just returned to the United States after five months in his home country.
+ National Council of Churches, 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 880, New York, New York 10115
+, 212-203-7606,
+ ABC News, 7 West 66th Street, New York, New York 10023, Contact Page
[3] Ninth Commandment Issues from within and without Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University
A 3 May 2010 article by John W. Kennedy in Christianity Today titled “Bloggers Target Seminary President” reports that Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary President Ergun Caner is under fire from several sources for embellishing the details of Caner’s biography and qualifications for being a Christian apologist on Islam. The alleged embellishments include:
-- Claiming to have grown up in Turkey when he actually grew up in Ohio;
-- Claiming to have been raised in a devout Muslim home instead of in a nominally Muslim home;
-- Claiming to have been involved in Islamic jihad; and,
-- Claiming to have debated dozens of Muslims about Islam, when there is no audio or video evidence of said debates.
Dr. James R. White, director of the Phoenix, Arizona-based Alpha & Omega Ministries, a Reformed Baptist Christian apologetics ministry, said of Caner: “The president of a large theological seminary has created a myth concerning his background that is incredibly self-contradictory.”
Liberty’s Board of Directors so far has taken no action against Caner. Dr. Elmer Towns, Liberty co-founder and dean of the School of Religion said that a Board inquiry had found Caner to have done nothing theologically inappropriate, and said: “It's not an ethical issue, it's not a moral issue. We give faculty a certain amount of theological leverage. The arguments of the bloggers would not stand up in court."
Dr. Towns attributes the level of attack against Caner to his well-known anti-Calvinist positions. Dr. White, in a 16 April 2007 blog article titled “Jerry Falwell Identifies Calvinism as Heresy” said that Caner had refused to apologize for saying that Calvinists are worse than Muslims.
Another 3 May 2010 article by Trevin Wax on titled “Undercover at Thomas Road: An Interview with Gina Welch” transcribes a question and answer session by Wax of Welch, who is the author of In the Land of Believers: An Outsider's Extraordinary Journey into the Heart of the Evangelical Church, that Wax says “tells the story of how Welch faked a conversion experience, got baptized, and spent two years at Thomas Road Baptist Church….[Welch] even participated in evangelism on a mission trip. During this time, she kept a detailed journal of her experience, which she has now turned into a book that chronicles her journey into evangelical America.”
Liberty University is an associated ministry of Thomas Road Baptist Church.
+ Christianity Today International, 465 Gundersen Drive, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188, 630-260-6200, Fax: 630-260-0114,
+ Alpha and Omega Ministries, Post Office Box 37106, Phoenix, Arizona 85069, 602-973-4602, Contact Page
+, Salem Communications, 4880 Santa Rosa Road, Camerillo, California, 805-987-0400
+ Liberty University, 1971 University Boulevard, Lynchburg, Virginia 24502, 434-582-2000,
+ Thomas Road Baptist Church, 1 Mountain View Road, Lynchburg, Virginia 24502, 434-239-9281, Contact Page
[4] RCA Church in Oostburg, Wisconsin, to Host Speaker on International Terrorism
The First Reformed Church (Reformed Church in America) of Oostburg, Wisconsin, on 5 May 2010 at 7:00 p.m. is hosting ACT for America President Brigette Gabriel for a free lecture about the latest threats radical Islam poses to the safety and security of the people of the United States.
Ms. Gabriel will speak about:
-- Iran’s relentless march to a nuclear bomb and why this threatens more than Israel;
-- The increasingly militant – and successful – effort by Islamists worldwide to criminalize any criticism of Islam;
-- How the various actions and overtures taken by the Obama administration are putting the United States at greater risk – and why;
-- How Islamic Sharia law is creeping into America;
-- The threats posed by terrorist cells and Islamist compounds in America; and,
-- The strategies and tactics ACT for America is employing to fight back against these threats.
Ms. Gabriel is a leading global Islamic terrorism expert, and is the author of the New York Times bestseller “Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It.”
+ First Reformed Church, 927 Superior Avenue, Oostburg, Wisconsin, 920-564-2319, Fax: 920-564-6449,
+ ACT for America, Post Office Box 12765, Pensacola, Florida 32591,
+ Reformed Church in America, 4500 60th Street Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49512, 800-968-6065,
[5] PCUSA Presbytery of Geneva Mission Team Assists Widows of Coal Miners in Kopperston, West Virginia
A 3 May 2010 article by Paul Salisbury in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle titled “Presbytery of Geneva Travels to W.Va., Helps Widows of Coal Miners” reports on a mission team from the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)’s Presbytery of Geneva in the Finger Lakes region of New York State that travelled to Kopperston, West Virginia, 18-24 April 2010 to assist the widows of coal miners with property repairs and improvements to their homes. The team additionally assisted with the repair and cleaning of the Kopperston Church and Christian Education building.
+ Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, 55 Exchange Boulevard, Rochester, New York 14614, 585-232-7100, Contact Page
+ Presbytery of Geneva, 2266 State Route 54A, Penn Yan, New York 14527, 315-536-7753,
+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005
[6] EPC Expresses Gratitude and Concern over PCUSA Task Force Report Finding the Allegations of EPC Solicitation of PCUSA Churches to be Unsubstantiated
A 28 April 2010 press release from the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) expresses gratitude that the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)’s task force appointed to investigate allegations made by the PCUSA’s Presbytery of Peace River (PPR) that the EPC was soliciting PCUSA congregations to leave the PCUSA and join the EPC, in their report found that the PPR allegations were unsubstantiated.
The EPC press release additionally expressed concern about several other statements in the report including one that said “other leaders from within the EPC were also willing to speak to PCUSA congregations, when a session had invited them in, often showing the PCUSA in a less than flattering light.” The PCUSA task force provided no substantiation for the statement, nor did the task force present this finding to EPC leadership in a joint meeting on 15 January 2010.
+ Evangelical Presbyterian Church, 17197 North Laurel Park Drive Suite 567, Livonia, Michigan 48152, 734-742-2020, Fax: 734-742-2033,
+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005
+ Presbytery of Peace River , 5600 Peace River Road, North Port, Florida 34287, 941-426-8421, Fax: 941-423-9412,
[7] Church of Scotland Confesses Sexism toward Women Ministers
A 1 May 2010 article by Craig Brown in The Scotsman titled “Kirk Admits it is Still Sexist towards Women Ministers” says that a new Church of Scotland (COS) report states that more than forty years after women first gained the right to be ordained ministers in the COS, that there are still pockets of resistance and discrimination within the Kirk.
Twenty percent of COS ministers are female, as are fifty percent of COS ruling elders.
+ The Scotsman, Barclay House, 108 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AS, Scotland, 131-620-8620
+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722
[8] The Herald Counsels Church of Scotland to Take Radical Action to Prevent Financial Ruin
A 28 April 2010 editorial in The Herald titled “Kirk Must Take Radical Action to Save Itself from Financial Ruin” counsels the Church of Scotland to take radical action to avoid financial ruin brought about by a UK£89 million loss in investments during the current recession, a curent budget deficit of UK£5.7 million, and prospects of bankruptcy by 2018 unless immediate action is taken.
The Herald endorses Church of Scotland plans to fire up to 100 ministers over the next four years, and encourages the Kirk’s plans to train lay ministers and assign ministers to multiple churches for the smaller congregations and for churches in the poorest areas of the cities.
A 30 April 2010 article by Brian Donnelly in The Herald titled “Kirk May Sell 1,500 Buildings” reports that the Church of Scotland may sell up to half of its 3000 buildings “as the Kirk faces a new future of merged parishes and dwindling funds.”
A 4 May 2010 BBC article titled “Kirk Seeks to Connect with Online Congregations” reports that the Church of Scotland is experimenting with video technology and online worship as potential cost saving methodologies.
+ The Herald, 200 Renfield Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 3QB, 0141- 302-7000, Fax: 0141-302-7117,
+ BBC, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TS, England, Fax: 020-8008-2398
+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722
[9] South African Reformed Churches Join in Denunciation of “Kill the Boer” Song Prior to and in the Wake of Afrikaner Resistance Movement Leader Eugene Terreblanche’s Murder
Two days prior to the 10 April 2010 murder of long-time defender of apartheid and Afrikaner Resistance Movement leader Eugene Terreblanche, the Dutch Reformed Church sent a letter to South African media warning that the song “Kill the Boer,” then being made popular by African National Congress Youth League leader Julius Malema, was having a negative effect on South Africa.
The Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa also issued a statement condemning “Kill the Boer” and addressing related current political issues.
The president of the South African Council of Churches (SACC), Tinyiko Maluleke, said Terreblanche‘s murder may increase division and conflict, and destroy reconciliation progress made since 1994. The SACC unqualifyingly condemned Terreblanche‘s murder and any attempts to justify it. The SACC additionally called on political leaders to refrain from instigating language that could incite further violence in the South Africa.
+ Reformed Ecumenical Council, 2050 Breton Road Southeast, Suite 102, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546, 616-949-2910,
+ Dutch Reformed Church, Posbus 13528, Hatfield 0028, Pretoria, South Africa, 27-0-12-342-0092, Fax: 27-0-12-342-0380,
+ Afrikaner Resistance Movement, Post Office Box 274, Ventersdorp 2710, South Africa, 082-897-1018,
+ African National Congress, 54 Sauer Street, Johannesburg 2001, South Africa, 011-376-1000, Fax: 011-376-1100, Contact Page
+ Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa, c/o Professor S.T. Kgatla, 015-296-0005, Fax: 015-296-0005,
+ South African Council of Churches, Post Office Box 62098, Marshalltown 2107, South Africa, 27-11-241 7800, Fax: 27-11-492-1448,
[10] New Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell Rescinds Order by Previous Virginia Governor Tim Kaine that State Police Chaplains Not Pray in the Name of Jesus
Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmidtt of The Pray in Jesus Name Project announced 28 April 2010 that new Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell rescinded the order of former Virginia Governer and Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Tim Kaine forbidding Virginia State Police chaplains to pray in the name of Jesus, forcing the chaplains to deny Christ or resign from their ministry positions.
+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,
+ Pray In Jesus Name Ministries, Post Office Box 77077, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80970, 719-360-5132,
[11] May-June 2010 Trinity Review Published
The May-June 2010 Trinity Review has been published, containing an article “The Roman Catholic Agenda Embedded in the Manhattan Declaration,” which is written by Richard Bennett, a former Roman Catholic priest, who is the President and Founder of Berean Beacon Ministries. Mr. Bennett convincingly demonstrates how the “Evangelical” signers of the Manhattan Declaration have been duped by the Roman Catholic Church-State’s social doctrine.
The May-June 2010 Trinity Review additionally features an update about current happenings in the Presbyterian Church in America.
+ The Trinity Foundation, Post Office Box 68, Unicoi, Tennessee 37692, 423-743-0199, Fax: 423-743-2005,
+ Berean Beacon Ministries, Post Office Box 192, Del Valle, Texas 78617,
+ Presbyterian Church in America, 1700 North Brown Road, Suite 105, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043, 678-825-1000, Fax: 678-825-1001,
+ The Vatican, Città del Vaticano, Rome, Italy, 39-6-69-88-35-11, Fax: 39-6-69-88-54-47, Contact Page
[12] Bluegrass Concert 8 May 2010 at Firelands Presbyterian Church in Port Clinton, Ohio
The Bearea College Bluegrass Ensemble will be in concert at 7:30 p.m. Saturday 8 May 2010 at Firelands Presbyterian Church in Port Clinton, Ohio. General admission tickets are US$15.00 at the door and are free to students.
A YouTube video of the Bearea College Bluegrass Ensemble performing “The L & N Don't Stop Here Anymore” is available at:
+ Firelands Presbyterian Church, 2626 East Harbor Road, Port Clinton, Ohio 43452, 419-734-6211,
+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005
[13] Tea Partiers Treated as Enemies of the State
A 29 April 2010 article by Mark Alexander in The Patriot Post titled “Army Preps for Tea Party 'Terrorists'” reports that a recent military exercise scenario at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, where groups identified as violent threats to the army base included Tea Party demonstraters and health care protesters, who have bomb making materials, who have members with prior records for explosive and weapons violations, and “are armed, have combative training and some are former Military Snipers. Some may have explosives training / experience," and "a rally at their compound / training area is scheduled."
Senior command staff at Ft. Knox contacted Alexander the same day to say that the Tea Party and health care protester references had not been approved at the command level, and were removed. The command staff additionally said that those responsible for the Tea Party and health care references will “receive appropriate counsel."
A 28 April 2010 article by Doug Powers on Michelle Malkin’s website titled “Riot Police Called in to Protect Obama from Out of Control Tea Party” reports that when U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama arrived in Quincy, Illinois, to deliver a speech condemning greedy Wall Street corporations, riot police were called in to force a group of Tea Partiers from K & N Patriots to another location after they began singing “God Bless America” and “The Star Spangled Banner.” The official explanation was that the protesters refused to move when asked to do so, but Jim Hoft from First Things, says in a 29 April 2010 article titled “Obama Sniper Teams Ordered to Rooftops To Quash Radical Tea Party Protest (Video)” that the call to move the protesters came from U.S. President Obama’s entourage inside the community center.
+ Patriot Post, PO Box 507, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401, Contact Page
+ U.S. Army, 1400 Defense Pentagon, Washington DC 20301, 703-697-0050
+ Michelle Malkin, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 West Century Boulevard, Suite 700, Los Angeles, California 90045,
+ K & N Patriots, 1939 Wentzville Parkway #141, Wentzville, Missouri 63385,
+ First Things, 35 East 21st Street, 6th floor, New York, New York 10010, 212-627-1985,